Don't Mess Up by Sofia Niazi

Don't Mess Up by Sofia Niazi


Don’t Mess Up

An artist edition in the form of a tea towel, by Sofia Niazi, 2020.

Limited edition of 50.

50 x 70 cm tea towel with burnt chip font, 100% cotton, ethically produced.

Screen Printed by Do Make Say Ink, Birmingham.

1/3 of the proceeds of sales will go to The Magpie Project, who provide practical support and advice to mothers and children under five in temporary or insecure accommodation in Newham.


Note to Self: Don’t Mess Up

I made this tea towel as a warning

but if you look a little closer

it is also as a gesture of hope

that in the face of inevitable failure

it’s possible to build something new from the ruins.

Sofia Niazi


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